Category: Commentary

Not related to any specific product or project

Preparing your enterprise for ransomware, and why many existing network security tools are useless

While Ransomware has received a great deal of press in the last year, ransomware has existed in one form or another for at least fifteen years. Long before the February 2016 incident at Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC), early samples of malware, such as the AIDs trojan, were compromising systems as early as 1989. Since then, more than 350,000 different variants of ransomware have been identified. The introduction of new technologies such as Bitcoin and

Benefits of Machine Learning with Behavioral Analysis in Detection of Advanced Persistent Threats

Behavioral Analysis has proven to be a more effective way to identify new and never previously identified samples of malware and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).  In many ways, the pursuit of behavioral analysis may only provide short-lived relief for the APT problem. Machine Learning may provide the answer, but only if it is used correctly and effectively.  Read more below

The Psychology of the $17K Apple Watch Edition

On April 8th, Apple officially launched its line of smart watches, originally unveiled late last year.  The following week was filled with media speculation as to why Apple had introduced such a high-end device when it was clear that such technology has a very limited shelf life.  There have been endless editorials describing how, for the select “elite few”, dropping this kind of money on a device would not be a concern, but then questioning

Twitter Guerrilla Marketing 101

Social Networking has been the prevailing buzz word for several years, making marketing and engineering organizations scramble to try and incorporate some aspect of social networking into their roadmap in order to capitalize on the added attention. The problem is that social networking is a broad concept that encompasses many different products, companies, technologies and disciplines, making the goal of “social networking” too nebulous a goal to effectively pursue. Many organizations hire Social Networking Consultants,